Undergraduate Teaching 2022-23

Accreditation of the MEng

Accreditation of the MEng

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All students are encouraged to become student or affiliate members of one or more of the professional institutions.


The discussion on this page relates to the recgonition of the degree by specific engineering bodies for meeting Chartered Engineering exemption requirements. Exemption in this context refers to exemption from some of the requirements laid down by those bodies for gaining chartered status. While some Engineering Bodies require students to qualify in a particular Engineering Area of the course, it is important not to confuse Engineering Areas with exemption requirements.

Most students reading Engineering at Cambridge will at some stage consider becoming professional engineers, and many will be firmly intending to do so. The engineering profession as a whole is currently supervised by the Engineering Council (UK). There are a number of chartered institutions or similar bodies, each concerned with a particular branch or type of engineering. Corporate membership of the appropriate institution is the professional qualification for that branch of engineering, and carries with it the title of Chartered Engineer.

A Cambridge Master of Engineering degree (MEng) provides exemption from part or all of the examination requirements at many of the principal institutions (although a number of years of practical training and responsible experience are also required for corporate membership). See below for conditions of exemption for each institution.

The institutions welcome enquiries from engineering students and will supply, on request, information about careers and reading lists. Undergraduates may apply for student membership of any of the institutions listed below. Student membership is generally free and entitles the student to receive certain publications and to attend meetings organised in all parts of the country.

Accrediting bodies and CUED institutional liaison officers

The four year MEng courses (the Enginering Tripos and the Mamufacturing Engineering Tripos) offered by the Department of Engineering are accredited for the 2021-26 student intakes by one or more of the following institutions, depending on the engineering area studied.  Where the engineering area "Engineering Science" appears on a student transcript the MEng degree does not meet Engineering Council requirements.
More details, including application forms, relating to membership of individual institutions can be obtained from the institutions' websites or from the appropriate liaison officer:

Acronym Institution Liaison officer


Institution of Civil Engineers

Membership benefits

Dr D Liang


Institution of Structural Engineers

Membership benefits

Dr J Orr


Institution of Mechanical Engineers

Membership benefits

Dr DJ Cole


Institution of Engineering and Technology

Membership benefits

Prof TD Wilkinson


Royal Aeronautical Society

Membership benefits

Dr J P Jarrett


Institute of Measurement and Control

Membership benefits

Professor M C Smith


Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation

Membership benefits

Dr D Liang


Institute of Highway Engineers

Membership benefits

Dr D Liang


Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine

Membership benefits

Dr GM Treece


Conditions of exemption

Please see the Engineering Council Website

Institutions Conditions of exemption

All Institutions:

It is a requirement of the MEng for all students that they complete two management modules (which includes those in Group E plus '4I1: strategic valuation' or optionally 4D16 for those pursuing the Civil Engineering area) during the final two years of the MEng course. This applies to all students.

CIHT, IHE, ICE and IStructE:

The MEng is accredited as fully satisfying the educational base for a Chartered Engineer (CEng) by JBM bodies for the Civil Engineering area only. Module 4D16 may be taken and can be counted as one of the management modules for the purposes of accreditation by all Institutions covered by the JBM ( IStructE, ICE & CIHT)

RAeS Students must qualify in the Aerospace and Aerothermal Engineering area.

IMechE and IET:

The MEng is accredited for all engineering areas.


The MEng is accredited for the instrumentation and control engineering area. Other engineering areas are also accredited provided that at least two of the following modules are taken:

  • 3F1: signals and systems
  • 3F2: systems and control
  • 4F1: control systems design
  • 4F2: Robust and nonlinear systems and control
  • 4F3: An optimisation based approach to control


The MEng is accredited for students who take the bioengineering engineering area in both Part IIA and Part IIB.

The Engineering Council

Graduates in Engineering, who are Corporate Members of one of the Engineering institutions above are invited to register with the Engineering Council to achieve Chartered Engineer status (CEng). This is usually acquired by application through the particular institution at the time of acceptance as a Corporate Member.

Students may like to become involved with the various activities of the Engineering Council which promote engineering among young people.

Last updated on 15/04/2023 08:46