Undergraduate Teaching 2022-23

Facilities and rules

Facilities and rules

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Access to the Department

ID cards

All students should have been issued with a University ID card by their College.  If you have any problems with access in the Department, please take your card to the CUED Security Office (located in the basement) between 9am and 1pm.  Students are advised that they may be challenged at any time when in the Department and asked to produce identification unless they are displaying their ID card.

If you lose your card, please report its loss immediately to the Security Office (or email security-admin@eng.cam.ac.uk), but note that replacements for lost cards should be ordered through your College.

General access to the Department

Undergraduate students have access to the Department from 8am until 7pm 7 days a week.  You must have your University card on you at all times.

Access to the Department between 7pm and 8am

Only students who have attended a safety briefing are permitted to be present in the building outside the hours of 7 pm - 8 am. Access to the Department between 7 pm and 8 am requires an authorised Late Working Permit. This is available to download below or a hard copy is available from Reception.

N.B. At no time may any undergraduate work unsupervised in laboratory areas, including those with a Late Working Permit.

Access to the DPO

Computer workstations are available during timetabled classes. Normal IT helpdesk hours in full term are 8.30 am - 6.00 pm Monday to Friday.  Any DPO equipment problems should be reported to the IT Helpdesk by email.

Access to the Canteen and information regarding the EPOS system

Students can buy food/beverages from the Department canteen (second floor, Baker Building).  The counter service caters for staff and students throughout the day with payments being made by debit or credit card, Apply Pay, Google Pay etc.

Departmental rules

Food and drink in lecture theatres

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, undergraduate students will not be allowed access to lecture theatres except for scheduled examples classes in some Part II modules for Michaelmas term in the first instance.

In response to a request from the SSJC, students are now permitted to take bottled water into CUED lecture theatres. Food, canned drinks, hot beverages etc will not be permitted. Please take your empty bottles away with you or dispose of them in the bins provided.

Food and drink in the DPO

Given that the DPO is only going to be accessible in Michaelmas term initially for formal lab sessions, food and/or drink will not be allowed unless the lab leader and demonstrators have given their explicit permission.

Student notices and posters

Students are not allowed to put posters up in the Department without permission, except on the designated noticeboard in the Inglis corridor. Students who wish to display items in areas other than this should contact reception in the first instance.


There is a total ban on smoking on Departmental sites.

Departmental computer system

The Departmental computer system is provided for timetabled computer based coursework.  Access to the Department's systems is controlled by a userid (identical to the CRSid as used for email) and a password, initially set at registration. For registration, the CRSid and Raven password are used. Students should ensure they know both their Departmental system password and hermes password when attending computing practicals.

Rules for use

At registration, everyone is required to sign a form agreeing to abide by the University’s rules governing the use of computer systems in the University: please read these carefully and take note of them. The penalties for deliberate misuse are severe and may include access being denied for an extended period, with a potential loss of practical experience and coursework marks.

IT Support

The main source of information about IT facilities in the Engineering Department is the online computing help system, which includes a “frequently asked questions” section. If in doubt about whether something is allowed or for general computing queries not covered by the help system please contact the IT helpdesk, tel: (3)32686.

Course material on Moodle

Most of the Department's courses have a page on the University's Virtual Learning Environment Moodle.

These pages are maintained by course lecturers. Students registered to these courses are automatically enrolled at the start of the course and can engage in the course activities, including coursework submission when appropriate.

Other members of the University, staff or students, can self-enrol as observer and gain access to handouts and other documents made available to the students by the lecturers. This access is provided to students so that they can make an informed decision regarding their course selection. There might be copyright restrictions to the course material; any use of the course content that is not related to students education is not allowed. The material should not be redistributed by the students in any circumstances.

A key is needed to self-enrol on any course. By using this key, you indicate that you agree with the condition above.

Enrolment key: cued_moodle_access

You may wish to look at our 'getting started' guide.

Printing & photocopying

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, departmental printers & photocopiers will be out of use for the forseeable future.

Centre for Languages and Inter-Communication facilities

Language programme for engineers

Optional courses are offered in Chinese, French, German, Japanese and Spanish at beginners’, intermediate and advanced levels.  Courses may be taken for examination credit in the second, third and fourth year. Visit the CLIC website for further information.


The Centre for Languages and Inter-Communication (CLIC) is situated in the South Wing, Baker First Floor, where multi-media facilities for self-study are available not only for the languages taught here but in other languages too.

Last updated on 19/09/2020 21:25