Key information Quick links Engineering course overview Information for offer-holders SSJC Newcomers Guide Information for students transferring from other Triposes Research Opportunities, Awards & scholarships Additional course costs Department map First Year - IA Second Year - IB Third Year - IIA Fourth Year - IIB Manufacturing Engineering Tripos (MET) Surveys & feedback Staff-Student Joint Committee (SSJC) Fast feedback Vote for best lecturers Report Writing Guide Programming support Assessment types and expectations Plagiarism, cooperating and cheating What do classification grades mean? Communication skills training Accuracy and Errors in Exp. Eng. Exam skills session Dyson Centre Design and Manufacturing facilities in the Department Laser cutter training Self-service 3D printers Lathe and milling machine Industrial experience Student exchange overview Outreach Programme Accreditation of the MEng Careers Services Undergraduate Research Opportunities (UROPs) STIMULUS programme for helping children learn Engineering Diversity Intermitting (to spend a year in industry) Cambridge University Engineering Society (CUES) Student-led societies Student-led project & industry partnership (SPIP)/project expo Icons made by Freepik, Iconnice and Madebyoliver, from Last updated on 06/12/2022 14:44