Part IIB start of year information

Table of contents
- Introduction to Part IIB
- Risk assessment briefing
- IIB project literature review
- Part II careers information
- Modules
- Procedures regarding IIB coursework hand in (Coursework Candidate Numbers)
- Projects
- Good academic practice vs academic misconduct (including plagiarism)
- Plagiarism avoidance in projects
Introduction to Part IIB
Wednesday 5 October 2022, 3pm in the Constance Tipper Lecture Theatre.
This short session will alert you to some of the changes you will encounter in course style, content and standards, and show you where to find guidance.
Topics covered:
- Outline of the course
- Engineering areas
- Modules and how they work in IIB
- Examinations and coursework assesment
- Library resources
Risk assessment briefing
All students are required to attend a talk by the Safety Officer on Wednesday 5 October 2022, 3.30pm, in the Constance Tipper Lecture Theatre. No practical work may be undertaken before the hazard assessment form has been seen by the Safety Office.
This session will follow on from the Introduction to IIB.
IIB project literature review
Synchronous teaching sessions
Finding What You Need (Literature Searching)
Content: This module introduces strategies for planning literature searches, places to search for information and techniques to find the most relevant results as well as how to incorporate the work of others into your own research.
Delivery: 1-hour synchronous online teaching in Michaelmas Term (dates TBC, but they will be available on our booking website for the start of term
1:1 Supervisions and Meetings
If you would like more in-depth personal support, advice or help, you can book a 1:1 supervision or meeting with a member of the library team, using our Online Booking Form:
Asynchronous online training via LibGuides
Literature Searching and Reviewing
Content: This online self-paced module will introduce techniques for planning your searches, places for information, and techniques you can use to find the most relevant results.
Delivery: Online self-guided training via the Engineering Library website:
Part II careers information
The University of Cambridge Careers Service provides careers services throughout the calendar year. This includes one-to-one appointments for anything from CV checks, practice interviews and discussing options for what you might want to do next in a supportive setting, access to over 10,000 jobs and internships annually and an array of Fairs, and skills sessions run by employers and lots more.
The Careers Service's Handshake platform serves as a portal to access these services. Access via:
The Careers Service have created a three minute welcome video here:
Please read the detailed information on the Part IIB modules.
You are reminded that you:
- must confirm your choices for Michaelmas Term modules by midnight on Wednesday of week 1
- must keep safe all your Part IIB coursework as you must submit it all for scrutiny by the examiners at the end of the Easter Term.
Procedures regarding IIB coursework hand in (Coursework Candidate Numbers)
IIB coursework is marked anonymously wherever possible. The course syllabuses will indicate if certain coursework components are not assessed anonymously.
Each student is given an individual coursework candidate number (CCN). It is your responsibility to enter your CCN onto the coversheet of anonymous coursework. Submissions on Moodle will preserve your anonymity where required. You will be able to access this number on COMET when it becomes available (hopefully week 2).
Please ensure that your name does not appear anywhere on the coursework.
Each student must undertake a major individual design, research and/or computer project at a high technological level on a topic of practical relevance. A member of CUED staff will act as your project supervisor. Your project is a very important part of the final year and is expected to take up roughly half your working time throughout the whole of that year.
See the Part IIB Project Guide (second notice) for comprehensive information about the projects.
Information for Part IIA students about selecting projects is included in the Part IIB projects: first notice.
Good academic practice vs academic misconduct (including plagiarism)
The University provides guidance on Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct which can be found at, where academic misconduct includes any practice that may unfairly advantage a student’s academic assessment (which includes plagiarism).
Suspected cases of Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct will be handled by the Director of Undergraduate Education in conjunction with the relevant Chair of Examiners, which may result in the case being referred to the University’s Office of Student Conduct, Complaints and Appeals for consideration under the disciplinary regulations.
You should read and ensure that you understand the Department's guidance on avoiding academic misconduct, which covers:
- definition of academic misconduct
- plagiarism avoidance: expectations of all students
- distinguishing between cooperation and cheating
- sources of guidance on academic integrity, record keeping & referencing
If you have any queries please speak to your DoS.
Plagiarism avoidance in projects
It is self-evident that research-based project work requires extensive discussion and cooperation with your supervisor and others. However, all reports and presentations must document the individual work of the author, with specific reference being made to any material taken from another source (including concepts, theories, equations, figures or computer code, whether published in the open literature or on websites, or unpublished work obtained by other means). Failure to reference the work of others is cheating and will be penalised.
You must read the Department's information about plagiarism, cooperation & cheating.
Last updated on 02/09/2022 09:02