Although we expect students to attend all lab sessions and respect coursework deadlines, we understand there may be reasons why this may not always be possible. In such cases, students may be allowed to rearrange timetabled lab sessions or request deadline extensions for coursework submission. This document sets out the department’s approach to this subject as agreed by the faculty board.
- All timetabled coursework activities are compulsory parts of the course.
- Marks are not awarded for activities not completed. Requests for allowances for the disregarding of marks in respect of coursework activities left incomplete is a matter for the Examination Access and Mitigations Committee (EAMC).
- Students may self-declare periods of illness up to 7 days (and a total of 28 days in an academic year) to the department teaching office for the purposes of extensions to deadlines and re-arranging coursework activities. No tutorial support or medical evidence is required.
- There is no appeal process as such, however, students unhappy with a departmental decision may apply to the EAMC.
- Rescheduling timetabled coursework activities:
- Students are expected to pro-actively re-schedule missed coursework activities. The Teaching Office will approve requests and assist if needed.
- Requests for re-arrangement of timetabled coursework activities can only be accommodated in the very limited circumstances set out below.
- Deadline extension for coursework submissions:
- Applications must be made at the time or on return from illness. Retrospective requests will be rejected by the department.
- Extensions are only available through the department process for illness up to 7 days or where a student’s SSD mentions extensions may be required. Extensions in other circumstances must be applied for via the EAMC.
- Extensions may not be possible, or only be possible for a limited period of time, close to the end of a term or the academic year.
Acceptable reasons for seeking re-arrangement of timetabled coursework activities (not deadline extensions)
Procedure for re-arrangement
Where one of the grounds below applies the student should complete the online form. If the request is accepted the Teaching Office will then contact the relevant lab leader and student approving the request for rearrangement. The student should then discuss re-arrangement with the lab leader. If re-arrangement is not approved or not possible and the activity is missed the student will not be awarded the marks for the missed activity. The student will need to consult with their tutor regarding the possibility of an application to the EAMC in such cases.
The department will accept self-certification of illness for periods of up to 7 days at a time and a total of 28 days in an academic year. This should be declared using the online form promptly on return to study. Where a student has missed a coursework session due to illness they should seek to re-arrange the missed session as soon as possible after their return to study. Re-arrangement on the grounds of illness will only be possible where self-certification has been completed.
Compassionate or religious grounds
Students will, wherever practicable, be allowed to rearrange timetabled coursework activities on compassionate or religious grounds . Such re-arrangements must be made in advance.
Examples of compassionate grounds includes attendance at a funeral of a close family member or a family or medical emergency. Attendance at a family event, such as a family holiday, wedding or graduation would not be considered compassionate grounds. Applications to rearrange timetabled coursework activities for religious observance that usually occurs over a restricted period (e.g. Eid al-Fitr, Shavuot, Pesach, Shivaratri, Vaisakhi) will be considered. Where observance extends over a significant period of time (e.g. Ramadan), and where it is normally expected that daily activities (including teaching) will continue as normal, applications would not be considered. Rearrangements for the purpose of holy visits, pilgrimages etc. cannot be approved.
When applying for jobs, work placements or sponsorship, students may be invited for interview on days that conflict with coursework activities. Students should in the first instance seek to rearrange the interview rather than the coursework. If this proves impossible, then the student should try to rearrange the coursework. This must be done in advance and if not possible the coursework session must be attended.
Sporting commitments
Coursework may not be rearranged to accommodate College sporting commitments or College or University training sessions. Students will, wherever practicable, be allowed to seek to rearrange coursework that conflicts with University sporting fixtures. Arrangements need to be made in advance. Retrospective requests will not be accepted.
Other reasons
If a student wishes to seek to rearrange coursework for any reason not covered by the four categories above, they should discuss the matter with the Director of Undergraduate Education in advance of the activity in question.
Deadline Extensions
Disability Related
Where a student has a Student Support Document (SSD) which refers to a potential need for extended deadlines students may request short extensions by completing the online form. These requests will be discussed with the student by the Director of Undergraduate Education. These requests cannot be made retrospectively. The department will refer students to the EAMC process where requests for extensions for an individual student amount to more than 28 days in an academic year
The online illness self-certification form should be used to request extensions on the grounds of illness of up to seven days. Deadlines falling during the period of illness or immediately thereafter may be extended for the length of the period of illness. The department will refer students to the EAMC process where requests for extensions for an individual student amount to more than 28 days in an academic year.
Requests for deadline extensions on other grounds, retrospective requests, requests for extensions due to periods of illness of more than 7 days or reflecting illness of more than 28 days in an academic year need to be made to the EAMC rather than via the department.
Explanatory Notes
- "Immediately thereafter" in the guidance above is interpreted to mean deadlines falling no more than 14 days after end of the period of illness.
- Multiple extension requests under this policy cannot be combined to extend a deadline for any individual piece of work by more than 7 days, this is to ensure consistency with EAMC guidance.
- The 28 day limit for the total of extensions available via the department policy applies to the sum of aggregate extensions due to disability and any self-declared periods of illness. A student reaching this limit in an academic year would need to apply for further extensions via the EAMC process
- The department policy is intended to reduce paperwork and complexity by removing the need for simple and straightforward issues to be submitted to the EAMC. It is not intended to deal with complex matters. The limits above are intended to ensure that complex situations are given appropriate and full consideration.
- Decisions under this policy are normally made by the Director of Undergraduate Education acting on behalf of the department. On request decisions can be reviewed by the Deputy Head (Teaching). As stated in the policy, students remain free to approach the EAMC if a deadline extension is not approved by the department
- The department will not approve extensions on the grounds of computer failure. Students are expected to use the University provided OneDrive or Google Drive to save their work with revisions so that it is available in case of equipment failure or corruption. Computers are always available for use in the DPO where a student has no computer.
Last updated on 21/07/2023 13:35