Intellectual skills
- Lectures – assimilation of new ideas and concepts
- Labs – planning and carrying out experimental work, assembly of equipment, appreciation of accuracy in measurement and sources of experimental errors.
- Examples papers – problem solving, choice of appropriate methods of solution
- Design – conceptual, embodiment and evaluation
- Optimisation – model and finance based decision making
- Examinations
- Supervisions (problem solving, discussion, critical analysis)
- College learned societies and seminars
- CU Engineering Society meetings and visits
Communication skills
- Design and project reports
- Lab reports (of various types)
- Part I management reviews and essays
- Writing minutes from project and planning meetings within MET
- Part IA exposition presentation
- Part IB integrated design project Presentations
- Part IIB project presentations
- Discussion of lab and exercise work
- Debate/discussions within exposition
Non verbal
- Drawing
- Development of arguments using mathematical or symbolic language
- Lectures
- Part I structural design and integrated design projects
- Supervisions (written explanation and essays)
- As an officer of a club or society
- College or University student politics (e.g. students’ unions)
- Student journalism
- Supervisions (oral explanations and discussions)
- Participating in public meetings and discussions
- Representation on committees
Non verbal
- Supervisions (problem solving)
Organisational skills
- Management of the balance between work and extra-curricular activities
- Generation of lab and project reports to deadlines
- Teamwork as part of Part I SDP and IDP and Part II EAA
- Project planning – Part IB ,ajor individual project
- Leadership roles in College or University extra-curricular bodies or societies
- Engineering society events and committee posts
- Management of balance between work load and extra-curricular activities
Interpersonal skills
- Labs – working with others in both small and large groups
- Teamwork as part of Part I SDP and IDP and Part II EAA – group dynamics
- Part IIB major individual project – working with divisional and workshop technical staff
- Working effectively with Part IIB project or supervision
- Living, working and socializing in a diverse community
- Positions of responsibility in clubs and societies
- Working effectively with supervisors and DoS
Research skills
- Exposition – finding, summarising, critiquing texts and papers
- Labs – data handling in all years
- Exercises – calculations, scheduling effort
- Part IIB projects (specific skills, planning experiments, analysis, critique and review)
- Use of College library
- Use of internet and the www
- Lectures
- Data handling in experiments and projects
- Project and example paper calculations (including risk analysis and economic evaluations)
- Handling finance – personal affairs, treasurer of clubs or societies, organizing college events
Computer literacy
- Part I lectures and courses in C++ and Matlab, simulation, mathematical programming
- Software applications – databases, word processing, spreadsheets etc,
- Mechatronics – computer controlled or linked equipment, Part IB IDP
- Departmental internet communication
- Department website resources
- Computer resources
- E-mail and internet access
Foreign language skills
- Voluntary Departmental language courses (French/German/Japanese) and overseas visits
- Part IB Language option
- Part IIA Language projects
- Part IIB Language modules
- Vacation placements abroad
- University Language Centre