Preparation for IB

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Mars Lander Exercise
Please remember to complete the Mars Lander exercise before returning to Cambridge. This is especially important since there will be further Mars Lander exercises as part of Part IB Paper 6 (Linear Systems and Control), and it will be assumed that all students have completed the four core assignments. Further details can be found on the Moodle course page.
If you are particularly pleased with your solution, please submit it for consideration for a prize before the 28 September deadline. If you get stuck, there are a series of steps you can take to get help:
(a) read the page about "common problems" on the Moodle course page
(b) post a general query on the Moodle forum (please do not attach code) - we aim to respond within 24 hours, typically quicker
(c) as a last resort, and only after (a) and (b) have failed to sort out your problems, email your source code to Prof Gee or Prof Csanyi (ahg13 or gc121) - they will respond quickly with some hints if contacted during the next week or two, less quickly during the last minute rush in September .... so try not to leave it to the last minute.
Some Colleges will be arranging small feedback sessions in October for their own students: your Director of Studies will advise. There will also be a catch-all feedback session at CUED.
Last updated on 22/07/2020 11:23